Long distance relationships completely blow my mind. Some people say they are fictional, not real, and a waste of time. But I find them amazing. The fact that someone could feel an emotional connection with someone, states, countries, oceans and continents away, (and planets for those who are secretly into aliens or astronauts), and they could stay devoted to someone who isn’t always right there in front of you.

Long distance relationships make things magical, but oh so very normal. Every small little detail they give away to you about their day, every small detail you can see from that small frame you get from a webcam. It becomes so special, a relationship in which words can be just enough to brighten your day. Where the small things you’d take for granted in a close distance relationship, are suddenly so much more important. And then you see them when they visit you or when you visit them, and it’s like the sun or the moon has been delivered right to your doorstep. And you can’t take your eyes off them for a second. Like the fluffiest, softest and biggest teddy bear has been brought to you and you can’t let them go. Their presence becomes everything. I guess you could say it’s a whole lot easier to fall in love with someone miles and miles away. Which is what makes it so painstakingly dangerous. But you do it anyways, your heart has no limits and your love stretches over those miles just as it would if you were to love someone close to you. The romance suddenly has a lot more effort, stamps need to be found, and time needs to be scheduled. Phones and the internet have made it so convenient to stay connected, but time and our lives can get in the way. But then there are those few people who make long distance relationships sound so amazing. Flaws, and kinks and all the struggles there is to loving someone so far. People who tell you that a long distance relationship is like, being able to stop and smell the roses because you can take a moment out of your life to explain the smallest part of your day to great detail, and they could watch you through that webcam, or hear the excitement in your voice. That someone miles away can make you feel so much better about yourself, calm you down when you cry and make you feel like you just took the biggest breath of air in the deepest part of the ocean. And it blows my mind, that something like this is real. Something like this is happening, that it’s not a dream. That something like this, is happening to me. And I can’t stop smiling.
