Okay so, change of plans. Our original plans, of having to wait till summer time to see each other, yeah that’s done…Because I get to see him this winter break! The excitement is certainly rushing through me as I haven’t seen him in basically two years, when I first met him on the cruise. Through a miracle of some sort, his parents, and my parents, both agreed to let me visit him in Indiana, for the weekend after Christmas. And I am so excited to be able to hold him again, hug him, kiss him, I’ll meet his family, and probably a few of his friends for the first time. He’s gonna show me around, and we’re going to take SO many pictures. Of course my parents are still skeptical of letting me go, as one, we’re both teenagers, seniors in high school, and we’re dating. As well as I’m going into a different state, and so my moms really worried about letting me go in case something bad were to happen, which is completely understandable. Anyways, this post was about a winter wish originally, but as you can see, my wish has already come true, so it’s kinda merged into hopes of the visit, though I won’t bring my hopes up a bit too much. But right now, We’re both sitting on skype, doing homework, and projects, and I’m taking a break right now to update this blog.

My main hopes for this trip however, is to spend as much time as possible with him. I already know I’m going to cherish every single second, as for once, i’ll be part of not only his emotional life, but his physical life too. (Woah lets not let your minds wander.) I’ll be able to hold his hand as we walk around, hug him and cuddle with him as we watch movies in the living room, taste the food he praises his mother for making, meet his family that I hear over skype calls, in which, normally they’re just being pretty sweet and goofy, so im pretty nervously excited to meet them. I really want to see everything, everything possible in person. Downtown where he plays ingress, the Kroger store he works at, the gas station he says is right down the street that he goes to get snacks, I want to meet his friends and the people who are involved in his everyday life. These few days, are the days in which I get to see what he sees everyday, in my own perspective. And man am I excited for it. I’m probably not even gonna be able to sleep the night before the trip, and end up falling asleep on the plane. I’m still rather shocked he even offered to do this at last minute. He’d pay for everything, the tickets, going out to eat, such and such, and I feel kind bad as I didn’t get to chip in at all, and hopefully I’ll be able to buy my own souvenirs.

This is all still pretty fresh to me, as it was just today that I found out that his parents said yes to me coming over. Though I’m still nervous as all the adults still have to talk to each other, about what i’m not sure, and I’m pretty nervous. Probably going to discuss how everything is going to work out and such. But I’m super excited, (bonus points if you count the amount of times I’ve said I was excited, and or implied it) and I can’t wait to see him in person, rather than through a screen on my computer, or ipod, or phone. To hear him in person, to hold him, Ooohh It just makes me shiver with excitement!


Post inspired by LDR Blogs.

Prompt: Visits.


My brain right now. Much Excite.