
Eight nation

what's it to ya?


She walked out into the world, step by step from her front door, and down the porch stairs. Her scanner showed her, she was in a green mist. Algae has infested the blue fields she was normally used to, and she wouldn’t stand for it. She bounded off, her converse hitting the ground with each step she took that propelled her forward, 500m, 450m, 400m. She got closer and closer to her first target, 300m, 250m, 200m, 150m. She had her scanner in hand and ready to fire, the enemy portal close in range as she shot her first ultrastrike, attacking the highest level resonator, taking it out before attacking the rest with an XMP. Her burster getting a 20% Crit chance. But the portal wouldn’t neutralize easy, it attacked her back, as she lost exotic matter, almost too focused on her attacks to realize how much XM she was losing. She had to stop and open a power cube, regenerating herself some XM as she continued to attack. Finally neutralizing the portal, destroying the sea of algae. But it would take some time for the blue ocean she was used to, to return. She smiled a bit as she set the portal back online, for her team. The portal that was once green, now blue. She set up resonators, and portal shields, and hacking it for more items to use, and also obtaining the portal’s key. She saw there was another blue portal on her scanner, about 250m away. She stretched out towards the sky before she began to walk towards it. Planning to make a link between the two portals, and recharging her teammates resonators. When she got there, she saw it was missing a few resonators, so she replaced them with some of her own. Though she was a lower level, she still could contribute, then making the portal linkable to any other portals she had keys for. She sat down for a bit, linking this portal to her own, as well as several others, before she hacked the portal one last time, and headed home. It was getting dark, and her scanner needed to recharge for the night. She felt satisfied, with the distance she walked this day, and the amount of work she did. Though she knew, compared to other days, it wasn’t that much done, but it was the first time in a while, that she has left the house. The portals, and the thrill gave her reason to go. Her team needed her, and she felt like she did alright.

Inspired by the mobile game, Ingress

More than a Memory

It’s been over a year and a half now since I’ve seen my significant other. Just thinking that it’s been that long since I’ve seen him, makes my chest ache with longing and nostalgia. Now, let me also explain, that the last time I saw him, was actually when I first met him. Okay okay, I know what you’re thinking. “You’re dating a guy you just met one time?” I guess so, in a way. Hold on, why don’t I just tell you these very special first memories, that lead up to, well, us!

I met Grayson on a cruise, Carnival legend, during our spring break of sophomore year. I decide to come to this teen club, and they were playing a game of boys vs. girls. Grayson was one of the guys sitting opposite of me, with a black beanie on. I was rather focused on coming in during the middle of the game, and anxious about being surrounded by surrounded by people I didn’t know. After the game, everyone kinda left the club, and I ended up hanging out with Grayson, a guy named Iian, and a guy named Anthony as we all went to go “find more people.” When in all reality, we kinda ended up hanging out in the unicorn café, drinking chocolate milk (or in my case coffee), and constantly changing the condiments positions, while the lady cleaning up kept coming back to refix it. (Horrible I know, but at the time it was kinda funny. She gave up after a while.) This night is my first actual memory with him.

The next memory I have, was of one of the days where we were just at sea, on our way to the next port. I wore my navy blue dress that night for dinner since it was one of those days where you just had to be formal, and I remember rushing because it was also movie night at the teen club, and I remember my dinner didn’t end till after club started. So I rushed dinner (for myself) and ran straight to the teen club right after, dress, and painful heels and all. They were watching Ferris Beuller’s Day Off, and I came in around the middle of it. I remember Grayson saying “This scene is really funny” as the scene where Mr. Rooney got inside of Ferris’s house, and then ended up getting kicked in the face by Jeanie. After the movie, everyone got up and spoke a little, and Grayson looked over at me in our little circle of people, and said, “Wow, you look really good.” This took me back a bit, as I figured I looked pretty normal, nor did I think anyone would notice me as every other girl in the club had fancier, almost homecoming like dresses on. Then he left to go Ryan’s birthday party in his cabin, and I remained in the club, until I wandered off with, I believe one of the two Brandon’s in the club to find where everyone disappeared off to, then I got some frozen yogurt and went back to my room for the night.

The next memory I have with him, was a huge dance party on the Lido deck. That night was rather funny, as we all kinda danced in the back right corner of the crowd, making jokes and Grayson doing a “Rain dance” that may or may have caused it to rain about 5 minutes later. That night was full of goofing off, conga lines, and limbo that I ended up tieing first with someone in. I can still remember Grayson running across the blue lounge chairs during the conga line, to catch up to someone who was further up the line. Someone else followed him, but I think they almost fell. After the party, I believe our little group of people went and got some frozen yogurt before disbanding for the night.

My last and most precious memory, was the very last full day on the cruise. It all really started off with Karaoke, I sang a few Paramore and Maroon 5 songs, and then wandered off with Grayson, Ryan, and Iian, Gabbi, and Jerimiah. We all goofed around and ate pizza in the Unicorn café, my room key card continuously being stolen by Grayson, as well as my ipod in which, Grayson took a million pictures. We all then went back to the teen club, and I cuddled a little bit with Grayson, aka laying down on his lap, or sitting down on his lap when we needed more space for everyone else to sit in the red lounge. (I was told a few times to get off his lap by the teen club counselor). I impressed everyone with my voice impresions, and then we all eventually disbanded again, and I followed Grayson and Ryan and some other girls to another cafe, in which I cuddled against Grayson again. (don’t worry, all this cuddling was pretty much just me leaning or laying my head against him). After a while, Grayson’s dad came to get him and told him it was time to get ready so he left, and I soon after left to go get ready for dinner as well. After dinner that night, something urged me to run back down to my room, and get ready for heaven knows what. I ended up putting on some eyeliner and mascara, since it was the last night, and it was a farewell party, I must’ve figured “might as well look nice!” So I went up to the teen club, music blaring, and everyone was getting their Club o2 tee shirts signed by each other, and Grayson was taking some pictures. Eventually we ended up leaning against each other again in the red lounge until he decided he wanted to tell me something. So I followed him to the front of the club, in which the following dialogue happened. (Yes I remember what was said)

Grayson: So I know you never had your first kiss..What about me?

Me: Sure..

Pretty short and sweet right? Well, he put his hand on my waist and pulled me close, head tilted and our eyes slowly closing. And I felt his lips gently press against mine, in a soft warm kiss that drowned out the club music. And from that kiss, the rest of the night just felt, magical, in a happy tingly daze. I guess we cuddled a little closer, and we ended up getting half hearts drawn on our sleeves by one of the guys, who called us the “Star crossed lovers.” We then proceeded to go outside and walk on the top deck, as he jokingly moved the clouds (in which he actually kinda did) to reveal the moon, and its reflection in the water. Later on he walked me to my room, and we spammed the buttons on the elevator, the elevator actually stopped and we didn’t realize because we were just smiling at each other for a good minute. When we got to my room he gave me one last kiss. The next morning I found him again, and we ended up walking around. I kinda lost my family, but found them later on after he left.

After a few weeks, we reconnected through facebook, and wattpad. Until he got ungrounded and he texted my iPod using the number I gave him, since I didn’t have a phone yet. And from there, we just kept talking. We got together, and broke up, and now, we’re together again! And I feel so lucky he’s in my life.

Thanks for sticking around through this super long post about a few days on a cruise! I know I only elaborated on those small moments of the cruise, rather than what followed up after. I could gladly follow up with a second part about that if you guy’s are interested. Well, it’s 1 in the morning now, and I must get some sleep. So goodnight my lovelies!

Two pictures from the last night of the cruise.

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This post was inspired by LDRblogs, and their prompt Love Memory.


All these little boys and girls
Thinking they know what love is
throwing the word around
Like it was nobody, and everybody’s business
But what they forget to learn
Is how love really felt
When their momma or their papa
or both
Told you words that made your problems melt
When they told them the world
was in their palms
When the radio was singing sad songs
and you couldn’t go on any further.
What these children never realize to see
how love should turn out to be
That falling in love shouldnt always be as easy
as 1, 2, 3
That abuse was not okay
and “they’re mean because they like you”
should never continue on to this very day
That love evolves over time
and you shouldn’t keep looking at the same lines
in several different stories
And love should, and shouldn’t be
your greatest worries.
They didn’t acknowledge
That love is a law
Unspoken word poems, that made your heart thaw
But it’ll freeze
and burn without notice
Until it just takes over your mind, but you’ll still know this
Love is a muse
and unique to each person
Not every love should be the same
But still make your heart beat to the rhythm
Broken dialects, and uneven lines
Continuous bars, and dilapidated rhymes.
Children love, but rarely ever know
How heartbreaking beautiful
The music really goes.


Now we all have fears. It’s just a thing that comes along with the price of humanity and living, and it’s quite unavoidable. Even the man with no fears can come up with some scary thoughts late at night. My current LDR, well that’s no exception. I had fears when we first started dating last year, and I have fears when we started dating again a month ago. Dreams that turn to nightmares, and laughter into complete and utter worry. There are so many anxious thoughts that cross my mind, and here, I will explain my three main fears. My least main rational fear to the biggest one.

My smallest fear has to be, losing connection. And not like emotional connection, I mean like, no wifi, no signal, and the post office wont deliver; a communication apocalypse. Quite irrational, and completely rational at the same time. I’m still a senior in high school, and live under a parent’s roof. Who knows when I could possibly get in trouble, over gosh knows what, and then my phone, my ipod, and my laptop could be taken away. I still remember having the struggle of having to find stamps, and I think I lost the extra ones once I got out of a LDR, and now that i’m back in one again…Well, I gotta find more stamps. Same thing on his end, senior in HS, parents, and man how many times have I told him late at night “Don’t get in trouble” whenever he decides to stay up late with me. I don’t want him to get grounded, and I definitely don’t want to get grounded myself. I feel restricted enough as it is at home.

My next fear, slightly less irrational than the first one, and probably completely understandable. Annoying him/Scaring him away. I’m afraid that one day, i’m gonna get really clingy, and he’s gonna want more space than just the physical distance between us. Communication is a big thing in a long distance, and I know personally how sometimes it can be a little suffocating. You know communication is vital, you know its needed in a healthy relationship, so you feel pressured to talk more, but when you’re a slight introvert, or the more laid back one in the relationship, the constant texts and or calls can be a little suffocating. And i’m afraid i’m gonna suffocate him with my constant “I love you’s”. And sometimes this is a little evident to him. He’ll notice when I’m more quiet, when I seem a little distant, and though I never want to talk about it, he still reassures me, that he loves me. No matter what mood i’m in, no matter what I do. And god, do I love him for that.

And lastly, my biggest fear…the unknown. There are so many factors to a long distance relationship. Patience, trust, and communication being basically everything. And I trust him with all my heart, and I would gladly wait forever if I had to. But he still has his own life. An entire life I don’t know because I’m limited by some sort of screen, or a piece of paper. And I accept he has this life, but I can’t help but get slightly jealous too. Of the people around him, who can touch him and comfort him, see his face and hear his voice in person. I’m afraid of someone closer to him in distance, being so much better than me, that he’d leave me for them. That he’ll find someone with better things to offer than I can from all the way where I am. I’m afraid he’ll fall out of love with me, because these unknown factors, this unknown life, these unknown moments, will all be better than what I can offer and it terrifies me. And I know I can’t be the only one. That worries with the smallest bad thing, and possibly goes a little too overboard because all you have are your words..

But I continue on in this beautiful relationship, even when these fears drag me down. I talk to him, and he reassures me that i’m doing just fine. He tells me what kind of things he finds amazing about me, and how much I already do for him, when I feel like it’s just not enough. When I want to do more, and he tells me that I deserve more too. I guess you could say my advice here is, talk with your significant other. Open up to them, as it’s not healthy to hide secrets, especially when they’re part of the fear. They’re there for you. They chose to be with you, out of all the people around and close to them, they chose the one over highways, states, borders, and seas. They chose you, because the love you, because they see something in you. Past these fears, these anxieties. They chose to take on your ocean storms, and they want to calm down your nervous tides. Because no matter the distance, they want to be there for you, as much as you want to be there for them. A long distance relationship, it’s still a relationship. There will always be fears. Its okay to be afraid. But know, it’s also okay to share them. Because you never know, they might feel the same way too.


Everything will be okay. ♥

This blog was inspired by LDRblogs’s topic, Fears.


Through inspiration of a given topic, I’ve decided to take song titles, and use them to describe my currently long distance relationship as a fun activity to do. The activity was actually based off of a game, where you would have a conversation with someone SOLELY using song titles. Sounds interesting huh? Well, anyways I hope you enjoy my list. I will definitely elaborate on why I chose these songs, so you could get a bit more a feel of what it means to me.

  1. Little do you know (Alex & Sierra)- We’ve both gone through some tough relationships, as well as our own with each other. We were once in a relationship a little bit back, and through some social and health issues it was terminated. This song delves into how sometimes, I would need a little more time, and how he’s sorry, but after some time, after we’re comfortable once more, I will definitely love him like I was never afraid, or hurt.
  2. Iris (Goo Goo Dolls)- This song….Now this song really starts to get into my feelings. This song basically describes how I’d give up anything to be with him, right next to him, to be able to be held by him once more. How much I miss him is conveyed in this song through how much I long to be near him.
  3. This Time (John Legend)-“This time I want it all, I’m showing you all the cards, Giving you all my heart” This song expresses how this time, as it is the second time in a relationship with this wonderful man in my life, we’re going all in. We’re gonna do our best to not hold back, and love each other like we should’ve the first time. How we deserved to be loved, we’re gonna make things right, we’re gonna work together, show all our cards, and work towards the future, together.
  4. Skip to the Good Part (He is We)-This reminds me of how ready I am for the good times to come. All the jitters and butterflies will last basically forever, and I can’t wait till they actually drive my crazy with excited nervousness. This guy, now this guy makes me grin like there is no tomorrow. Say his name, and I’ll pop up, even though he’s miles and miles away. We’re basically picking up from where we left off in this relationship, but acting like a new couple at the same time. It’s crazy, but I’m happy.
  5. Latch (Sam Smith, Acoustic)- He makes me feel so enchanted. Like I’m on top of the world, and I will cling onto that feeling as much as possible because I know the moment I let go, I will go insane. I can just remember what it was like when he held me once, and I know if he were to hug me again in the future, I wouldn’t let go for a very long time.
  6. Make you feel my love (Adele)- This makes me think of how much I want to show him how much I care for him. He says I make him feel very happy, and that I show that I care very well, but theres so much I want to do just for him. I’d do anything if I could to show him how happy he makes me. I’d give him my eyes when he’s down just so he could see himself the way I see him. As a strong, smart, caring, funny, renegade gentleman. I want to make him happy, I want to make his dreams him come true. I love him, there is no doubt.
  7. Count on me (Bruno Mars)- NOW, I know this is basically like, the biggest friendzone song EVER. But not only is this guy my beloved boyfriend. He is also one of my best friends. I can goof around with him, insult him and he will know its out of playful love, bug the crap out of him and he wouldn’t mind, because he’d do the same with me. We could sit in silence and do absolutely nothing and be perfectly content. I know I can come to him with any problem, and hopefully he knows he can come to me with anything.
  8. Sunday Morning (Maroon 5)-  He makes me feel super relaxed. Like a sunday morning, he makes me happy and I never want those small moments with him to end. Even if its something as silly as uncontrollable giggles from me being silly, or just sitting there on skype with him as we both scroll through facebook. He makes me feel like nothing could go wrong. Like beauty has reawakened in my eyes and all I can do is sit back, and smile. He helps me enjoy the small moments in my life. He helps me stop, and take a breath, and enjoy life.
  9. Falling Slow (Tori Kelly)- I make mistakes, I’m a mess, I am not perfect.There are times where I will be the quietest person possible, and i’ll breakdown, and I have fears. Like if I messed up, he would leave, like I’m not good enough. Like i’m too reluctant to go on, and i’m so afraid of not being enough to make him happy. Like this distance will come between us more than in literal terms. My fears making me slightly reluctant to move on, to act out more than I normally would. Like If I mess up or show the smallest flaw, I’d scare him away. Though he always tells me otherwise, I will always have these insecurities. And though he reminds me every time I feel upset, that no matter what he will always love me, I can’t help but doubt myself.
  10. Tip Toes (Jayme Dee)- This reminds me of our first kiss. Which happened to also be, my first kiss. He came in a bit suddenly (but now that I think of it, we were kinda cuddling all day. In terms of me laying on his lap, or even sitting on his lap and leaning on him when we needed more space. BUT, im oblivious to this flirting stuff until I really think about it.), and he brought me up to the front of the teen club. So here we are, on the last night of the cruise, in front of a teen club with loud pounding music, that I can’t even remember…Because it drowned out when he kissed me. He makes me feel like I could fly, he’s got me on this happy edge and I don’t want to come down.



And this was my lovely list. Sorry if it was lengthy ❤ I applaud you if you made it this far to completing all of this reading, as it’s basically an essay! Haha, anyways that’s the end of this post. These are all really good songs, and I’d recommend you listen to them if you want and whenever you can. There are definitely more songs from various artists I wanted to put, but that would’ve just made this post even longer. (Paramore, Kongos, Sleeping with Sirens, Secondhand Serenade, P!@TD, Fall out boy, Parachute, and MORE….I’m a very music inclined person I’m sorry XD) So, until next time my lucky eights. Baiiiii ❤

Blog Post Inspired by ldrblogs Topic: Top Ten

Mental Disorders

Mental disorders exist.
They exist, and occur in more people than you think.
Please do not dismiss people as “over reacting” or being “over dramatic” when they come to you for help.
Because whether or not this person may or may not have a mental disorder, doesn’t change the fact they trust you enough to ask you for help, even if it seems like a minor thing to you.
And if they really don’t have proof that they have this disorder, don’t automatically assume they are lying. They could not have the finances to get checked, or the time, or the courage. It’s not that easy to walk up to a professional psychiatrist, or a mental health clinic and say “I think there is something wrong with me.” When they have diagnosed many, many people confirmed to actually have the disorder.
Please also remember, it is hard to diagnose a mental disorder. Doctors base these disorders after what is told to them by the patient, they have no way of knowing whether or not the person could be lying unless they have monitored them for a while. Which is why, patients are recommended to be analyzed by more than one doctor. Which would be a handful of stress and anxiety for someone who could actually have a mental disorder. Anxiety would make the individual worry to whether they themselves really have the disorder, and if they are just wasting everyone else’s time and gas and money. Depression would make the individual wonder if everything is even worth the effort, and worry that they’ll never have an answer, and thus pulling themselves into a deeper depression without getting help because they wouldn’t have the energy to even try, even if they really wanted to.
Mental Disorders Exist. They are Here. They are Around You. And they need to be encouraged to get and seek help, not rejected because you think they’re faking.


No one should live on this Earth, and feel like a waste of air and blood. Please always keep an open mind when it comes to helping people..They could really need someone to trust, and someone who could make them feel safe.

Here are a few good websites to self diagnose and hopefully encourage to seek help.

Please remember, no matter the result, if you ever need help you could contact me by commenting below, leave your name as anonymous or anything silly of your choice, and I’ll do my best to help you, whether if you choose me to email you, or to make a post as an advice column. I may not know you, but I assure you, you will not bother me by asking me for help. I care, and if I can help, I gladly will.

Stay Strong

It’s always baffling to know, that someone so far away, can make you feel, well, not alone. How they could calm you down with words, and reassurance that they are there for you whenever you need to talk. That they would sit in complete and utter silence with you, and watch you and call you beautiful even with the knowledge of you were crying not too long ago. And with your calm, post tears face, they still find you adorable. I can recall back to another time, I was having a complete mental break down, over something I can’t even currently remember. And he called me, despite knowing he would hear nothing but me freaking out, and bawling and gasping for air between sobs, just to be there for me. To talk me through my emotions, and help me focus to calm down. From simple breathing exercises to spelling out my name, to simple math questions. Then he told me to spell out Shia Lebouf and I couldn’t help but let out a small giggle. He helped me be strong, and calm down, by giving me a reason to be strong. I have to be strong for him. And in turn, I guess i’m also being strong for myself. That’s what this relationship is slowly helping me obtain; strength within myself, for others I love and for my own well being.

This morning he told me to check my microsoft word account online, since he left a small note on there for me. And there I found a list of reasons why he loved me. I was shocked, and elated, and I couldn’t help but feel a little fuzzy on the inside. I felt happy enough to say “I guess I don’t really need coffee this morning!” and to start to even tear up a few happy tears. Through this simple yet romantic gesture, he boosted my self confidence a little bit and made me feel a little higher than I did that morning when I woke up. I felt loved, and appreciated. Something I haven’t been very used to lately, and frankly, its almost overwhelming. Knowing someone actually legitimately cares for you, despite always feeling the opposite, it’s like a drink of cold water in the middle of the hottest desert. Like someone finally pulled you away from that burnt out candle in a pitch black room, and led you to the exit where the sun was shining bright. It made me feel strong. And that was just today! Strong is only one of the many things he makes me feel, and he’s definitely helped me in more than one way. It just feels nice to have someone so proud of me, when I felt the whole world was trying to say I wasn’t good enough. When I was telling myself I wasn’t good enough, that I’m still not good enough, and he say’s he’s still proud. He must be crazy huh? But there’s no doubt that I love him, and I’m so lucky to have someone as compassionate and caring as him (even if he doesn’t think so).


Minecraft Couple

I lay here in my bed with Pandora playing in the background as I smile about what I did the past few hours. Skype with my boyfriend, the couple app, and playing on a “couple based” minecraft server (when in all reality it was just a creative server that had a marriage system). He built the hedge surrounding our couple lot, as well as a courtyard while I worked away at building the servants quarters which turned out pretty fancy. We both laughed about we spoil our servants, and how we’d give them a billion diamond bonus every Christmas. He logged off about an hour earlier than I did due to the fact he has work in the morning, so I finished the quarters and logged off and turned on pandora.

Though my boyfriend currently doesn’t have a smart phone, he was able to get on couple through his computer, and we paired back up. For the curious, the couple app is basically what the name suggests. An app made specifically for couples, and it’s amazing for long distance. You basically log in with your email, and connect to your s/o and you could message them 1 on 1. The app has a calendar you and your s/o could organize with important dates (e.g dates, birthdays, anniversaries), lists the both of you could make memos with, and a few other interesting features. I have to say though, my favorite feature would definitely have to be thumb kiss. You click on it, and wait for your s/o to get onto the I guess we could call a mini game of some sort, and you press your thumb on the screen, and they press their thumb on their screen and when the thumb prints match up, the screen flashes red. As if your thumbs actually touched. The theory of it is very sweet, that someone is on the other side. Reminds me of that animation on youtube “Draw with me”


(Theres also a mini feature where you two can doodle together, so I guess it relates even more.)

I could probably speak more about the animation of Draw with me and how it’s actually a good representation of long distance relationships, but i’ll save that for another post. But overall, I lay here in bed, still listening to Pandora and updating my blog. And I feel happy. Knowing I got to spend some time with him tonight, and we could have some fun in I guess a virtual date through co-op games like minecraft. And we could relax, and basically hang out. And with that, I feel like I can sleep a little easier. It’s funny how the smallest things become so much more amazing to me when I do it in a long distance relationship. It’s like the smaller things in life finally get the appreciation and personal excitement they deserve. Well, I think i’m finally going to head to bed, as it is 2:46 in the morning right now. Goodnight my lovelies, and sleep well.

Lets Get Serious

In all frivolousness there is on this blog, I want to touch onto a slightly heavier topic. I myself also sometimes deal with these thoughts and feelings. There are many factors that have happened into my life, that may have caused some of the thoughts, or triggered some deep down trauma that I can never connect my problems to unless I delve deep enough into my late night thoughts. Thoughts like:

I am alone, and no one will ever truly love me or need me.

I have friends and some family that care and love me, but i feel lonely.

I have a life, but i’m not allowed to live it.

I can’t be successful in my future, because even now feels so impossible.

I’m an idiot/a fool/stupid. No one really likes me, they all hate me, despite what they say.

Anyone who says they love me, must really pity me.

If anyone gets too close, i’m sure to hurt them because i’m too afraid to get hurt to let them too close.

Why am I so used to disappointment and pain, why has it become so acceptable to me?


(Its okay to be fine, but if you aren’t don’t be afraid to open up to someone you trust. Especially if they can see through your fake smiles, cuz then you know they’re really paying attention, and care about you)

All of these thoughts are just the basics of what I end up asking myself or telling myself, especially on those nights I can not sleep, or if i’m stuck alone with no one to really talk to. And it leads me into insecurities and self doubts, (trigger warning coming up) and sometimes even thoughts about why I even continue to exist, or of self harm.

But though I feel this way, I always end up surrounded by people who care and love me, and I manage to smile a little, despite how empty I begin to feel inside. And I just can’t help it. I try to change my mindset, and I help others and give them advice because I want them to be happy, and not have to suffer alone nights like I do, and end up thinking of self harm. And then I feel so stupid when I can’t help, and helpless when I screw up trying to help. And then I get mad when they keep having the same problem, like how I have the same thoughts.

Anyways what I’m trying to say here is, if you were to ever feel like any of this, please seek help. Don’t keep yourself upset, and don’t jar up your emotions. It’s a great thing to help others, but don’t let yourself sink. It’s okay to feel this way, but it’s not okay if it were to get to the point of wanting to harm yourself, temporarily or fatally. I’ll be glad to help out in anyway I can, for as much as I can. You can always leave a comment on one of my posts, whether it be anonymous or not, I could always make a post directed towards you (Just give me a code name or something so you know its for you). And if you felt like you were to get yourself in any danger, or know someone who is going through something like this. Please contact someone you trust, or the police, even the suicide prevention hotline [1 (800) 273-8255]=US [+44 (0) 8457 90 90 90]=UK

With all love and care, Yours truly,


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